Research has crossed boundaries since the last decade and it is now more regarded as a culture than only a scientific stream. Every new and young scientist paves his or her way into another discipline, in search of something which is concealed and undiscovered. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry is one such approach to reveal this amalgamated science of chemistry and ayurveda.
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry is a bimonthly peer reviewed journal dedicated for scientific publication in ayurveda and pharmaceutical chemistry. It also allows free-full-text access and is devoted to promotion of research work done in all the fields of Ayurveda and related fields of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry publishes original research work, reviews, short communications and notes dealing with ayurveda, pharmacognostical, analytical and pharmaceutical chemistry.
Next Issue - Vol. 22, Iss. 2 (Releasing on) 10th March, 2025
Manuscripts are invited for -Vol. 22, Iss. 2, 2025
Last date for submission (Volume 22 Iss. 2) - 20th Feb, 2025
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