With a vision to
have fair practices in publication process and to avoid any
discrepancies before, during and after publication of a
manuscripts following policies have been adopted by
Greentree Group Publishers (GGP) based on recent
1. We do not prefix author names with designations. Only people and place or work is important.
2. If revisions of accepted manuscripts are completed on
time then they will be published with ease and without any
delay. Late submission may delay the publication of
manuscript, especially those that are submitted near to the
release date of the current issue. We need at least two
weeks for processing of revised manuscript.
3. Revisions
are necessary and we do not publish any unrevised
manuscripts. Revisions improve the technical language,
formatting, and remove errors from the manuscript.
4. We
do not publish any plagiarized data. Authors must not send
the same.
5.It is found that many manuscripts when submitted to the journal
office are plagiarized and are not following copyright laws or publications ethics.
Even after sending publication fee and copyright and declaration form the manuscript
remains plagiarized.
NO fee will be refunded to such authors if they withdraw their manuscripts in between
the process-(I-stage) starting from Plagiarism check till Final publication (last stage).
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