International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
(A peer reviewed journal dedicated to allied Sciences)
e ISSN - 2350-0204
UGC No. (old) 43112 (2018-19) for authors reference only
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Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020

  1. Vishadravya Formulations of Brihattrayi - A Review

Mangala Jadhav1* and Ruchi Sharma and Seema Kumari2

Pages 1-5

  1. A Review Article on Tundikeri (Tonsillitis) and Its Management through Ayurveda

Nandini Shah1* and Vipin Kumar and Sheetal Verma2

Pages 17-21

  1. Comprehensive Understanding and Application of Swastha Chatushka

Samhita Ullod1* , Vidyalakshmi K2 and Arhanth Kumar A and Shrikanth P H3

Pages 22-33

  1. An Experimental Study to Assess the Effect of Dadima as Hrudya on Hrudaya by Inducing Cardio-Toxicity in Wistar Strain Albino Rats

Arfa Mohamed Akif1* , Shrikanth P H2 and Arhanth Kumar A and Sudhakar Bhat3

Pages 34-42

  1. Understanding Hypothyroidism – An Anuktavyadhi in Ayurveda

Shivani Arora1* and M B Gaur2

Pages 43-47

  1. An Experimental Study on Anti Dyslipidemic Activity of Gavedhuka Yavagu on Albino Rats treated with High Cholesterol Diet

Nand Kishor Prasad Kushbaha1* , Vijay B Negalur2 and Sandesh Kumar Shetty and Sudhakar3

Pages 48-59

  1. Experimental Evaluation of Wound Healing Activity of Tinduka Twak Kwatha (Diospyros malabarica (Desr.)Kostel in Wistar Albino Rats

Anjali Kumari M U1* , Padigar Shrikanth2 and Sagri Ravikrishna and Bhat Sudhakar3

Pages 60-68

  1. Microscopic Identification and Pharmaceutical Analysis of Patoladi Kwath

Shruti D Vinchhi1* , D H Pandya2 and Harisha C R and V J Shukla3

Pages 69-74

  1. Forensic Science Laboratory: A Review

Kirti Sharma1* and Pooja Upadhyay2

Pages 75-82

  1. An Efficacious Clinical Ayurvedic Management of Tinea facei [Dadru Kusta]-A Case Report

Shrividya1* and G Shrinivasa Acharya and Aniruddha Saralaya2

Pages 83-87

  1. Physiological and Psychological Changes Occurring during Rutuchakra - An Observational Study

Harinakshi B1* , Vidyalakshmi K2 and Arhanth Kumar A and Mamatha K V3

Pages 94-101

  1. Management of Ekakushtha (Psoriasis) by Nidana-Parivarjana, Raktamokshan and Shamana Chikitsa - A Case Report

Santosh G. Girbide1* , Pooja R. Singh2 , Savita R. Gudade3 and Milind Kamble and Sandeep Kale4

Pages 116-123

  1. Uncommon Tumor of the Breast - A Case Report

Prashanth K1* and Subhas Bhakta S2

Pages 124-129

  1. Comprehensive Study of Vatarakta with special reference to Nidana (Causative Factor)

Deshmukh Pooja Gopalrao1* and Mrudula Vinayak and Joshi VinayakNilkanth2

Pages 150-156

  1. Ayurvedic Management of Venous Ulcer- A Case Report

Radhakrishna Reddy D1* and Ravi R Chavan and Shivalingappa J Arakeri2

Pages 157-162

  1. Dantodbhawan (Concept of Dentition in Ayurveda)

Satya Prahash Pathak1* and Poonam Pandey2

Pages 163-171

  1. A Comparative Study of Ayurvediya and Keraliya Panchakarma Therapy: A Review

Harikishan Bamoriya1* and Rani Singh and Shachi Chandil2

Pages 172-182

  1. Analytical Assessment of Rajata Sindura

Mamta Parikh1* and A K Chaudhary and B J Patgiri2

Pages 207-212

  1. Critical analysis of Daivavyapashraya Chikitsa

Deepika P1* and Shrilatha Kamath T and Dhaneshwari H A2

Pages 220-226

  1. A Review on Ayurvedic Concept of Diabetes mellitus

Shivani Arora1* and M B Gaur2

Pages 227-234

  1. Analysis of Patala Paneeya Kshara

M S Anju1* and M M Abdul Shukkoor and S Aneesh2

Pages 235-239

  1. Pharmacognostical and Priliminary Phyto-Chemical Profiles of Shatavari-Shatapushpa Choorna

Patel Jalpa1* , Donga Shilpa2 and C R Harisha and V J Shukla3

Pages 240-246

  1. Ayurvedic Concept of Disease Manifestation w.s.r. to Prakriti, Sarata and Nidan-Dosha-Dushya Sammurchhana and its Correlation to Manifestation of COVID-19 in Different Patients

Aakanksha Sharma1* , Pramod Mishra2 , Rahul Parashar3 and Abhishek Rajpurohit and Vijay Bhushan Sharma4

Pages 267-274

  1. An Explicit Appraisal on Gouty arthritis

Rimpaljeet Kaur1* , Chinky Goyal2 , Shivali Chopra3 and Rajpreet Singh and Amrit Mallik4

Pages 275-287

  1. Rajaswalacharya is the Swasthavritta in Female-A Conceptual Study

Amrutha R Prabhu1* and Ramadevi G2

Pages 288-292

  1. Conceptual Analysis of Diabetic Macular Edema in Ayurveda

Garima Gupta1* , Rajendra Kumar Soni2 and Prabhakar Vardhan and Gulab Chand Pamnani3

Pages 300-308

  1. Oncoprotective Role of Ayurvedic Herbs and their Phytochemicals in Cancer Therapy

Mohammad Nazir Hossain1* and Md. Morshedul Alam2

Pages 309-332

  1. An Experimental Analysis on the Cardio Protective Action of Vrikshamla

Sruthi Mohan1* and Shrikanth P H and Sudhakar Bhatt2

Pages 333-342

  1. A Comprehensive Review on Bee w.s.r to Honey Bee

Amrit Malik1* , Sudhir Malik2 , Sapna Kaushish3 and Rimpaljeet Kaur and Chinky Goyal4

Pages 350-359

  1. An Ayurvedic Approach to Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Case Study

Vijayashree M C1* and Ananta S Desai2

Pages 360-364

  1. Review on Ageing: Ayurvedic and Modern Perspective

Santosh G Girbide1* , Priti Ramchandra Sutar (Corresponding Author)2 , Savita R Gudade3 and Milind Kamble and Pooja Singh4

Pages 365-370

  1. Preliminary Standardization of Bala Moola Ksheerapaka and Atibala Moola Ksheerapaka – Two Herbal Formulations for Sandhigatavata

Manna Mathew1* , Jayshree Changade2 , Nilima Gangale3 and Varghese Jibi and Sneha Nambiar4

Pages 378-388

  1. A Study on Anti-Microbial Effect of Ayurvedic Water Purification Method

Zhillika1* , Ajantha2 and Saranya K and Shashirekha3

Pages 389-400

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International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry by Greentree group is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial 4.0 International  License. Based on a work at