International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
(A peer reviewed journal dedicated to allied Sciences)
e ISSN - 2350-0204
UGC No. (old) 43112 (2018-19) for authors reference only
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Volume 16, Issue 3, 2022

  1. Study of Importance of Ahara as Described in Ayurvedic Classics

Singh Pragya1* and Singh Anil Kumar2

Pages 17-22

  1. Mithya Yoga Vyadhikaranam w.s.r to Occupational Health Problems

Bishnupriya Mohanty1* , Sachin Timmapur2 and Sangram Keshari Das3

Pages 23-27

  1. Agni Sankalpana

Shreya. G. Shetty1* , Robin Singh2 and Sowmya S B3

Pages 28-32

  1. Non linear Dynamic Bio-Physical & Bio-Chemical Changes w.s.r to Rajaswala Paricharya

Bishnupriya Mohanty1* , Asavari Gawali2 and Sangram Keshari Das3

Pages 39-54

  1. Ayurvedic Management of Kaphaja Yonivyapad - A Case Study

Ashwini Shivaji Patil1* and Kiran Shankar Singh2

Pages 104-109

  1. Management of Tubal Blockage with Ayurvedic Approach: A Case Study

Laxmita Gaiju1* and Seema Shukla2

Pages 121-131

  1. A Comprehensive Review of Ikshu – Saccharum officinarum Linn.

Abishek Bharadwaj B.U1* , Himani Rani2 , Prakash L.Hegde3 and Pradeep4

Pages 132-140

  1. Role of Chhedana Karma (Debridement) along with Jatyadi Taila Application in Wound Management

Ekta1* , Vishal Verma2 , Sheetal Verma3 and Savita Sonkar4

Pages 141-146

  1. Fundamental Aspects of Shirogata Sira Marma

Manish Satani1* and Ravikumar Parmar2

Pages 147-152

  1. Analytical Study of Bala Taila

Pooja Yadav1* , Pravesh Tomar2 and G M Kavya3

Pages 153-156

  1. The Concept and Management of Medial Epicondyle Tendinopathy in Ayurveda

Raj Kumar Jangir1* , Sachin Sharma2 , Ashok Kumar Regar3 , Kshipra Rajoria4 and Sarvesh Kumar Singh5

Pages 172-182

  1. Conceptual Study of Medorog with special reference to Body Mass Index

Asmita Rahul Salve1* and Rahul S2

Pages 183-189

  1. Datura - As A Poison & An Antidote

Amala .U.Kumar11* , Chaitra H2 and Arya Subhash3

Pages 190-195

  1. Effect of Plastic on Human Health

Tanvi Gusain1* , Brijendra Singh Tomar2 and Satbir Kumar Chawla3

Pages 203-212

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