Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
4, Issue
2, 2016
Critical Approach on
Abhyanga (External Oleation)
Udaya Ganesha
B1* and Bhgyashree.N2
Pages 1-6
Bhasma - A Review
Sakhitha K.
S.1* and K. Shankar Rao2
Pages 7-17
Determination of Free Radical Scavenging Activity of EmblicaofficinalisGaertn., Terminaliachebula Retz. And TerminaliabelericaRoxb
Samiksha P.
Dandekar1 and Dayanand P. Gogle2*
Pages 18-26
Pharmacognostical Investigation of ErythrinaVariegata Linn (Fabaceae)
Avinash T.
Gatade1*, Azmina A.K. Masurkar2, Rupali A. Gatade3 and Dhara J. Gandhi4
Pages 27-37
Study the Effectiveness of Vaitarana Basti in Amavata: A Clinical Trial
Vishakha Rajesh
Wetal1* and Rajendra Huprikar2
Pages 38-45
Macro microscopical Evaluation of Gobbamarantina Linn. Stem
Sudipta Roy1*,
R. N. Acharya2 and Harisha C R3
Pages 46-53
Mukta:Drug of Animal Origin used in Ayurvedic Medicines
Yogesh Shivaji
Chavan1* and AtulVitthal Patil2
Pages 54-62
Assessment of the Antinociceptive effect of a Folklore Plant: TiliacoraacuminataMiers
AnjalyDas V1*,
N.Manojkumar2 and R. Remadevi3
Pages 63-68
Makhana (Euryale ferox Salisb)-A Review
Masram1*, Patel KS2, Kori VK3 and Rajagopala S4
Pages 69-76
Nasya karma (Intranasal therapy); An Alternative Route of Drug Administration into the Brain
Asutkar1*, Yogita Bende2, Veena Himanshu Sharma3, Varsha P.Jadhao4, Vasudha
G.Asutkar5 and Chetan Gulhane6
Pages 77-89
An Overview on Herbal Drug Standardization
Khatale1*, M. B. Shende2 and D.S. Chothe3
Pages 90-96
Literature Review on Dhatupaka and VividhNyaya
Shilpa Yadav1*
and P.U. Deshmukh2
Pages 97-104
The Amazing Pharmacological Properties of Tinosporacordifolia- A Short Review
Kalpana Patni*
Pages 105-129
Pharmacognostical and Physicochemical Evaluation of Mudga (Phaseolusradiates Linn.)
Chauhan1*, Mahesh Vyas2, Harisha CR3 and AS Baghel4
Pages 130-138
A Single Case Study of Psoriasis, Which Responded Well to Panchatikta ghrita as a Shamana Therapy
Namrata K.
Shah1, L.B. Singh2 and P U Vaishnav3
Pages 139-142
Screening of Antihyperlipidemic Activity of Flavonoid Obtained From Leaves of Andrographis Paniculata
P.K.M.1*, Sahu Satya Narayan2, Sridhar Bommineni3 and Sah Dipendra Kumar4
Pages 143-151
A Case Study of Idiopathic Proteinuria Successfully Managed With Āyurvedic Treatment
Nilesh B
Italiya1*, Manish V Patel2, S N Gupta3 and Tapankumar M4
Pages 152-156
A Case Study OF CCF Successfully Managed with Āyurvedic Treatment
Hardik J
Patel1*, Manish V.Patel2, S.N Gupta3 and Tapankumar M4
Pages 157-161
Urticaria: Management through Ayurveda w. s. r. to Trachyspermum ammi
Pachouri1*, Ankur Dixit2 and Vidyanath R.3
Pages 162-167
An Evaluation of the Efficacy of Tapyadi Loha in Garavishajanit Pandu
Janki Gajjar1*,
Ruta Kadam2, Hemal Trivedi3 and Dimple4
Pages 168-178
Ayurveda : A Fruitful Remedy for Varicose Veins
Malvika1*, KotechaMita2, Sharma Tarun3 and Yadav Manjula4
Pages 179-188
Dincharya - Validity with Respect to Present Lifestyle
Joshi1*and Ashwini Patil2
Pages 189-197
To Study the Effect of Malatyadi Tailam and Til Tailam in Patients with Khalitya
Vijay Ganpatrao
Pages 198-202
Anti-Cancer Activity of Steroid of Vitex Leucoxylon
P.K.M1*, Prabhat Pal2, K. Meghana3 and Dipendra kumar Sah4
Pages 203-211
Pandu Roga in Sarngadhar Samhita
Pages 212-223
Ayurvedic Management of Buerger's Disease With Special Reference to Vatapittaja Gambhira Vatarakta-A Case Study
Dhiman1*, Sukumar Nandigoudar2 and S.K.Hiremath3
Pages 224-229
Pharmaceutical Preparation of Kanji using Combined Methodologies of Bhava Prakash's Kanji and Sharandhar Samhita's Shandaki
Pages 230-234
Varsharitucharya-An Ayurvedic Concept of Healthy Lifestyle in Monsoon
Oyin Pertin1*,
Kanika Goswami2 and Swapan Kr. Chakraborty3
Pages 235-243
Zika Virus: A New Version of Threat
Shaina Sharma1*
and Vasantha Kalyani2
Pages 244-248
Comparative Study of Oral Administration and External Application of Glycyrrhiza Glabra Linn. w.s.r. Varnya Karma
Shilpa Kant
Pages 249-259
Pharmaceutical Review of Gandhak Shodhan and Comparative Physico-chemical analyses of Ashodhit and Shodhit Gandhak
Pages 260-267
Study of Pharamaceutical Preparation of Jalkumbhi Ksara and its Organoleptic Properties
Pages 268-272
Pharmaceutical Preparation of Sameera Pannaga Rasa under Standard Temperature Conditions
Pages 273-279
Obstructive sleep apnea: Review of literature and Ayurvedic treatment options
Rakhee Panda*
Pages 280-286
A Short Review on KshudraRoga
Pathak1*, S.K.Chakravarty2 and Kanika Goswami3
Pages 287-297
Ayurvedic Approach on Computer Vision Syndrome
Meghwani1* and A.B. Deshmukh2
Pages 298-304
Swarna Prashana - A Immuno-Booster in Ayurveda
Rathia1*, V. K. Kori2, Rajagopala S.3 and K.S. Patel4
Pages 305-315
Clinical Study on the Role of Nirgundi Patra Pinda sveda and Shallaki in the Management of Sandhivata (Osteoarthritis)
Hetal D.
Vyas1*, Haresh B. Ruparelia2 and Gurdip Singh3
Pages 316-323
Clinical Study to Evaluate Efficacy of Bhunimbadi GhanVati and Shatavari Ghrita in the Management of Amlapitta w.s.r. to Non-ulcer Dyspepsia
Priyanka Rai*
Pages 324-332
Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study and Standardization of Dhaturadalakatu Tailam
Somil Dubey1*
and G. Rama Mohan Rao2
Pages 333-338
A Composite Overview on Safety,
Quality Control and Standardization of Herbal Medicine
Mamata N.
Ganorkar (Adhao)1* and Rajendra B. Urade2
Pages 333-338